Tag: bodyweight workout
Between work, travel and weddings, summer can be trying for your workout schedule. Fit in a no equipment workout in wherever you are by busting out this routine three times […]
If you’re trying to work your workouts into a small amount of time or if you don’t have access to a gym, no equipment workouts are your friend. #NoExcuses. This […]
I dwell on things and I dwell hard. Last week I started to get caught up on the idea of creating a workout that focuses entirely on eccentric muscle contractions, […]
I love leg days. No really. I love them. But sometimes the hardest movement can be the smallest. We did this pulsing, toning series last week at Bridal Sculpt and it […]
I’m on the road this week and I tend to count on body weight workouts. Plan as you may, sometimes you run into hotels that have varying definitions of “gym.” […]
I’ve been checking the weather every morning, waiting desperately for a ray of sunshine. If you’re hibernating in an apartment or condo in blustery Chicago, chances are – you have […]
Tomorrow is going to be one of the coldest days of the year in Chicago. I can already see the mid-week working-from-home hibernation starting all around me and I’m ready […]
If you’ve ever given an excuse for not working out, there’s a high probability you named “time” or “access to a gym” as your limitations. With one app that uses […]
How does one stay on track with one’s fitness goals on one of the coldest days of the year? By channeling the utter fierceness of Beyoncé into a workout. Not only […]
I’m not a wimp when it comes to the cold, but when stuff on my face starts freezing closed, I’m calling it and staying inside. That doesn’t mean you have […]
If your office closed down like mine did for what feels like the longest vacation you’ve ever had (not complaining), you’ve had time to do things like pin countless wedding […]
This week in Bridal Sculpt, we mixed two great barre-inspired segments with two HIIT series and not a face in the studio was sweat free. If you want to do this workout at […]