Membership Perks


Meet new friends who want to sweat, read, volunteer, or talk about dogs with you


Try new ways to move or be mindful at our Sweatworking events across the country (that we’ve hosted since 2012)

Join us in Chicago and beyond at our main attraction: Sweatworking Week

Perks from our BFF brands

  • Studio of the Month
  • Goal for it programming
  • Receive some of our fave goodies to try at home

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or, pay $25/month
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Every month aSweatLife Ambassadors have access to a studio or two through our studio of the month program. We try new things and talk about the stuff we love.

This month, one of our studios, @body20westloop shook things up with a 20-minute EMS (electro muscle stimulation) workout.

What can we tell you about this besides -
⚡️1-on-1 training vibes
⚡️20 minutes of work, with lots of efficiency

You can try it for yourself with a free first session at the west loop location and participating locations nationwide. Check the link in our bio.

⚡️would you try it? ⚡️

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@bodybarchicago - one of our Studios of the Month - is a workout you won’t regret. Even on a Monday.

Heres what we love:
🖤attention to form.
🖤classes are truly in that Joseph Pilates style
🖤teachers who keep it fresh.

Ambassadors - take advantage of your three classes 🖤

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We love a cozy sunday yoga flow at The Ramova Theater.

We thought Angela’s message was exactly what we needed to hear yeaterday (and probably today, as well as every day).

Keep your eyes on the link in our bio for the next chance to roll out our mats together at thia historical space.

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We love our studio of the month partners who love to welcome aSweatLife Ambassadors in to try workouts (and tell their friends if they love the workouts).

🧟We’re closing out our October partnership with the Chicago-area @titleboxingclub by boxing it out at a veeeeery spppooooky workout at @tbclincolnpark.

Here’s what we loved about our time boxing at TBC this month:
🥊A workout that taps into the athlete in you
🥊New formats like Box and Strength
🥊Well rounded workouts that start with a warm-up, include beating the stuffing out of your heavy bag, and end with never ending core.

Get in there, boo. Try your first class for free at the link in our bio.

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Nov. 3, we’re kicking off a yoga series at @ramovachicago in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood.

We love this space for lots of things including its connection to the neighborhood and its very, very delicious brunch (plus craft beer and cocktails if that’s your thing).

Grab a spot for yoga at the #LinkInBio - Ambassadors get a discount (as always). Brunch is 10% off after.


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We love to shake up the way we move and so we took a hike with the goats at @verdanthollowfarm in SW Michigan. Honestly - add hiking with these pasture-roaming creatures to your to-do list and get out there to try some of their goat cheeses.


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