Studio Fitness
Pride Month Spotlight: How Fitness Changed These LGBTQIA+ Individuals
“The community aspect of fitness can be so important to self-love and healing.”
What to Expect From Your First Rumble Boxing Class
We did the Rumble Boxing challenge and are sharing our best tips.
5 Ways Fitness Pros Can Create a More Inclusive Group Fitness Environment
A welcoming space starts with you as an instructor.
Try Barre3 or Ding Ding in Dallas with support from our friends at Ultima Replenisher
Try these empowering full-body workouts
SLT Founder Amanda Freeman on Staying Ahead of the Fitness Curve
Plus, her tips for surviving your first Megaformer class.
Get Fitness Offers Each Month with aSweatLife, Starting with Ladies Who Lift
Lift heavy wherever you are with our Studio of the month.
How to Choose the Right Reformer Fitness Class for You
“That you need to be ‘in shape’ to do reformer Pilates is not true.” At least according to James Shaw, head of Pilates at Equinox St James and former reformer […]
4 Fitness Red Flags to Watch Out for as an Instructor
Because what you say in front of students can have an impact on their workout experience.