Learn How Jenny Finkel Breaks Down “Crow” Pose on the SweatWorking App

Jenny Finkel

We fell in love with Jenny Finkel when she led the aSweatLife Ambassadors in a workshop to face our fears, quite literally (working on a particularly tricky arm balance in yoga), and more figuratively (getting out of our comfort zones with improv games).

Jenny teaches barre and yoga at exhale spa and Studio Three in Chicago, but she spends a good amount of her free time making her friends laugh through her excellent comedic timing learned while she was an improvisational comedian. On the SweatWorking App, Jenny breaks down Crow Pose and will have you smiling the whole time you’re working on it.

This 30-minute breakdown is perfect to tune into before or after a yoga class at a studio so that you’ll have some extra time to work on this tricky arm balance, or workshop on its own when you don’t have time to get into the studio.

Right now, you can try Jenny’s How To Crow class totally free on SweatWorking. All you need is a yoga block or something you can use to substitute one, like a firm pillow or rolled towel.

Want to get to know Jenny before tackling How To Crow? Read up on her get-to-know-you Q&A here.

In a nutshell, what’s your teaching style? Challenging, but welcoming and light-hearted!

What do you love most about teaching? I love helping students realize their true capabilities. Many things that may have once seemed inaccessible are well within reach, if you have the right tools!

What motivates you to go after your personal best in your workouts? That the burn, the challenge, the frustration….those are all part of the growth process. When I’m really struggling, I know I’m getting stronger!

Your best advice to anyone who takes your class – in real life or on the app? Unshackle yourself from your expectations. It’s hard to learn new things through the veil of expectation. Just go with it and see what happens!

What’s your favorite book right now? I read a non-fiction book about a serial killer that was fascinating but gave me nightmares, so I made a calculated decision to follow it up with a light, fluffy beach read to wash it out of my brain. Currently enjoying The High Season by Judy Blundell.

What’s your guilty pleasure? “America’s Next Top Model.” I’ll keep watching for as long as they keep cranking out cycles!!

Anywhere in the world you could travel to right now? In general, New Zealand, but given that it’s winter there now, let’s say Italy. Can’t go wrong with that!


Haven’t downloaded SweatWorking yet? Start your two-week free trial of all the workouts, meditations and yoga classes available by downloading the app to your iPhone. And if you like what you try, please leave us an iTunes review! A version for Android will be coming soon.

Disclaimer: This workout is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a replacement for seeking medical treatment or professional nutrition advice. Do not start any nutrition or physical activity program without first consulting your physician.

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About Maggie Umberger

Maggie moved to Chicago from North Carolina in 2014 with a degree in Journalism and Spanish, a 200-hour yoga certification, a group fitness cert and a passion to teach and to sweat. It wasn't until she found aSweatLife that she really started to feel at home. Here, she's incorporated her passion for health and wellness into her career as she helps to build the network of Ambassadors, trainers and fitness enthusiasts that exist within the aSweatLife ecosystem. You can also find her coaching at CrossTown Fitness and teaching yoga classes at Bare Feet Power Yoga, Yoga Six and exhale.