Three Upcoming Virtual Workshops to Engage Your Creative Side
So you’ve got extra time in your schedule, extra room in your brain, and you’re itching for some sort of project to take on. Problem is, you don’t know where to start. Or maybe, you don’t have any inspiration for what you want to create.
We’re here to be that helping hand with three upcoming virtual workshops, all centered on creativity and expression.
We’ve got more details below on these upcoming virtual workshops, but if you want to go straight to the tickets, here’s where to find them!
Nailcare Workshop + Tough As Nails talk with ezza
Maker Workshop: Friendship Bracelets
Nailcare Workshop + Tough As Nails Talk with ezza
On Thursday, April 23, 6:00 pm, we’ve invited our good friend and CEO of Ezza, Ale Breuer, to help us figure out how the heck to deal with the 4-week old no chip we’ve been sporting. This workshop + talk will be centered on at home nail care and how people can take care of their nails so they are stronger and healthier. It will also be an open conversation format, focused on popular nail care questions (that you can ask at any time!) with Jeana, aSweatLife’s CEO and founder. Ale will be sharing best practices on how to keep nails healthy and modeling how to use their Toughen Up At-Home Nail Kit!
Here are the details:
What: Nailcare workshop and entrepreneurial conversation
When: Thursday, April 23, 6:00 pm CDT
Where: Zoom, you’ll get an invite and private link by Wednesday, April 22. Don’t have it? Download it here for free!
What you need: Ale will be demonstrating at-home nail care using a file, cuticle oil, base coat, polish, top coat and a glass of wine 🙂
Tickets: Right here!
DIY Wall Hanging
We’ve been in our apartments, homes, condos, etc a LOT recently and so we got to thinking, it is a great time to change up some decor. One great way to do this without breaking the bank? DIY decor!
On Tuesday, April 28, 6:00 pm, we’ve invited our good friend and interior designer, Leigh Hardy from Indigo & Violet to help us create a one-of-a-kind yarn wall hanging. These stunners can be found at Anthropologie, West Elm and more but are an easy DIY craft for all levels. And since #everythingisbetterwithfriends we want you to join! Leigh will walk us through how to create the beautiful wall hangings step-by-step so you’ll have your very own to hang by the end!
Here are the details:
What: Maker Workshop: crafting yarn wall hangings
When: Tuesday, April 28, 6:00 pm CDT
Where: Zoom, you’ll get an invite and private link by Monday, April 27. Don’t have it? Download it here for free!
What you need:Â A base, yarn, and scissors. Check out the recommendations below from Leigh. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Leigh directly at [email protected].
*Amazon shipping and availability has become inconsistent, and Leigh recommends supporting a smaller business in Blick. Check for coupons and free shipping and estimate a minimum of 7 days for cheapest shipping option. Feel free to make substitutions and use what you have! Availability of these items is subject to change.
Choice of base:
Yarn: Recommend a minimum of 3-5 colors. A variety of colors and textures of yarn works best – you can also use strips of fabric or ribbon if you have anything around the house. You can do a general “yarn” search. We use a lot of Lion Brand Yarn – here are two different thicknesses both available in many colors as a starting point. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Tickets: Right here!
Friendship Bracelet Making

On Thursday, April 30, 6:00 pm, we’ve invited our good friend and interior designer, Leigh Hardy from Indigo & Violet to help us recreate the joy that is making friendship bracelets! Yes, the kind you made tons of at camp or at slumber parties. Just like scrunchies, we think they deserve a comeback. And since #everythingisbetterwithfriends we want you to join! Speaking of friends, you can make bracelets to give to your friends when you are able to see them again 🙂 Leigh will take us step-by-step through making bracelets with embroidery floss.
Here are the details:
What: Maker Workshop: friendship bracelets and calligraphy
When: Thursday, April 30, 6:00 pm CDT
Where: Zoom, you’ll get an invite and private link by Wednesday, April 29. Don’t have it? Download it here for free!
What you need:Â Embroidery floss, scissors, tape
Tickets: Right here!