Try a Sweat at State workout at Home and stop in for 3 free classes

What’s challenging me to get fitter lately? Sweat on State, a high intensity workout that uses light weights and body weight to tone and build lean muscle and endurance. I’m obsessed. […]

Staying accountable: workouts for the week of 10/28

Keeping up with morning workouts is difficult when a new engagement means lots of bubbly. Staying accountable: Find me at Sweat on State, Urban Athlete (a new gym for me) […]

Staying accountable: You’re my workout buddies now

I’ve been bad at my morning workouts. Like snoozing-for-two-hours bad. It can’t continue this way, lest Fiance throw my iPhone out the window. I’ve read book after book about getting […]

{Giveaway closed} 5 winners get 1 free class at Sweat on State

[Disclosure: Sweat on State provided the giveaway packages ] I’m still feeling my workout from Sweat on State (read about the amazing high-intensity workout here). While the burn is fresh, […]
