Podcast: Running with Community featuring Nimbe Juarez
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As aSweatLife’s #GoalForIt running program kicks off, we’re bringing together aSweatLife Ambassadors from across the nation to train and run for a 5k. For some of us, it’s just for the fun of it, for some it’s to get faster, and for others it’s simply to do the thing.
We always say that everything is better with friends here at aSweatLife. And that especially applies to running. So today on the podcast, we’re talking about community and running. We’ve brought one of our resident community builders, Nimbe Juarez onto the podcast to talk about why community matters for running, where to find it, and how to create it for yourself.
Nimbe has a self-proclaimed, “love-hate relationship” with running, but for her the idea of running with friends keeps her coming back. She organizes a monthly event that she calls “friends-running” to bring an all-paces community together to run.
On the episode, we talk about our relationship with running, running groups we admire, and running with donkeys.
- aSweatLife ambassadors (people like Nimbe who get cool stuff and programming to do together)
- Nimbe Juarez on Instagram
- Family style Run Club
- midway mile chasers
- 3run2
- Puma running
- Your guide to Running Shoes
- Alexi Pappa’s book, Bravey
- Alexi Pappas wrote the for Runner’s World on the WHY behind community
- Nimbe’s resource on Community, “If you want to go Faster or Farther, Join a Running Group.”
- Aftershokz Headphones
- Burro racing in Colorado is evidently a thing