5 Things You May Not Know About the aSweatLife Ambassadorship

aSweatLife Ambassadorship

In 2016, I sat down with founder and CEO of aSweatLife Jeana Anderson Cohen for a brainstorm. I was still working in advertising, but took a (rather long) lunch break to meet her for a workout and to have a quick meeting. Still dripping sweat, we huddled over a tiny notebook and our coffees (because, let’s be honest, it’s not a brainstorm without an iced Americano) and talked about what the next year at aSweatLife could look like.

I remember that meeting because I remember how good it felt to bounce ideas off each other right after that workout. Endorphins were pumping, energy was up, and we were “yes-and’ing” back and forth like clockwork.

And now, I think back to this meeting because it makes the idea that we stand by at aSweatLife – that fitness can be the catalyst to living your best life – feel so tangible. In fact, we modeled the structure of our first Ambassador Program in 2016 in this fashion: workouts plus workshops all year long. The workouts brought us together as one community working towards a goal (the end of whatever workout we were taking on), and this allowed us to ride the post-workout high right into whatever type of workshop we sat down for.

Every year the program grows and evolves, but the pillars of community and helping each other achieve the goals we set remain the same. If you’re itching to apply now for the 2020 Ambassadorship, you can jump in right here, but if you’re curious about the ins and outs of the program you might not already know, read on.

1. It actually isn’t really about working out at all.

If you’re reading about aSweatLife for the first time, know this: we stand firmly in our love for all things fitness, but aSweatLife encompasses everything inside and out of the gym. It’s all part of your life, and that’s what the Ambassador Program is meant to highlight.

When I asked Sarah deJong if she’s learned anything surprising about herself since becoming an Ambassador, she didn’t say she ran her fastest mile or lifted the heaviest set of weights she could. Instead, she said:

“What haven’t I learned. I learned I can push myself, be a goal-getter and that nothing can hold me back. I’ve also learned how to slow down, too.”

We kick the year off with a goal setting session for a reason. You may have a fitness goal in mind, but we can bet you’ve also got some personal and career goals on the horizon too. We’ll ask you to write them down and share them aloud to make them known. We’ll ask you to visualize achieving them, and we’ll keep you accountable over the course of the year towards reaching them. And if and when you change your goal, we’re there to support you through that too.

2. But, yes, there are a lot of free ways to work out, if that’s what you want.

As an Ambassador you’ll have access to the digital formats of workouts, workshops, and other helpful tools to use no matter where you are or when you need them. As an Ambassador, you’ll have exclusive access to unique workouts, guided audio intentions, and more through aSweatLife. This content is available only for Ambassadors.

3. We don’t just set goals and then leave em’.

There are about a million and one ways to set goals, and we’re down to try all of them. It’s why we developed an entire podcast around them. Throughout the year, you’ll have multiple opportunities to think about goal setting from different angles and to challenge the conventional way you may have thought about it before.

For Keely Wells, creating a 10-year vision in one goal setting session was new.

“It was great! It made you think about things you don’t always take the time to consider,” she said.

We’ve explored writing out concrete goals, desire mapping, meditation and mindfulness, even a gong bath experience, to approach our goals from all sides. And whether you’re focusing on a career, personal or health-related goal this year, you’ll have accountability partners to check in with whenever you need.

4. There are committees to help you get more of what you want out of the Ambassadorship.

Committees may sound formal, but the intention is simple: they’re there to help you get the most out of the Ambassador program. Depending on what you want more of – a group of people to take a bike ride outside the city with, an organized paint-with-wine class, or someone to give you advice on your resume – a committee can help make that happen.

Leaders in the program formed the Balance, Career, Fitness and Volunteering committees to do just that. Outside of digital content we’ll provide you to keep you on track with your goals all year long, studios of the month (or exclusive digital workouts) to work out alongside fellow Ambassadors and continued education experiences through workshops, the committees’ organized events are a fantastic way to get more involved with the community at large.

5. No matter where you live, what job you have or what your interests are, there’s a place for you here.

Chicago is where our roots are, but our wings span the country. There are Ambassadors everywhere now, and through Slack and the private Facebook Group, we’ll stay connected no matter who lives where.

Read more about the program’s perks and apply for the Ambassadorship in 2020 – the deadline to apply is November 15, 2019 at 11:59 pm CST).

Goals Happiness Think & Feel

About Maggie Umberger

Maggie moved to Chicago from North Carolina in 2014 with a degree in Journalism and Spanish, a 200-hour yoga certification, a group fitness cert and a passion to teach and to sweat. It wasn't until she found aSweatLife that she really started to feel at home. Here, she's incorporated her passion for health and wellness into her career as she helps to build the network of Ambassadors, trainers and fitness enthusiasts that exist within the aSweatLife ecosystem. You can also find her coaching at CrossTown Fitness and teaching yoga classes at Bare Feet Power Yoga, Yoga Six and exhale.