5 Tips for Great Period Sex
For some women, the week of their period has them benched from life. Cue the cramps, cravings, and period poops. However, some women may find themselves feeling frisky during their period. (Get it, girl.)
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a little masturbation and self-pleasure with your favorite sex toys. After all, there are plenty of benefits to masturbating. Whether you’re practicing edging, reaching that orgasm, or searching for that elusive G spot, sex during your period can be exciting, fun, and something new to explore solo. What if you want to have partner sex? Can you have sex on your period?
Here’s everything you need to know about sex during your period, including benefits and some expert tips.

Sex during your period
First of all, if you or your partner aren’t comfortable having sex during your period, then you can totally take period sex off the table. Eighty-six it entirely. Some people are completely unbothered by period sex, while others would prefer to skip sex during your period. Either one works, and if you or your partner prefer the latter, then maybe opt for something new like trying to have different types of orgasms.
However, if both you and your partner are comfortable with sex during your period, you’re not alone. Although somewhat dated, a 2009 study found that half of sexually active women have sex during their period. If you want to get it on during your period, suffice it to say, you aren’t the only one enjoying period sex.
Is sex during your period safe?
Women may be having period sex, but is sex during your period safe? “Yes, it is perfectly safe to have sex on your period,” shares SKYN’s resident sex expert, Gigi Engle. “It is safe to have sex during any time of the month. We have a lot of stigma around periods because of the mess, but this is silly. Sex is wonderful and can be enjoyed whenever you feel like having it.”
Even though you’re on your period, you may still want to use lube, advises Engle. “I always recommend using a pH balanced lube like SKYN Natural Chemistry. It is really a fabulous [feeling] to keep things pleasurable and slippery.”
Can you get pregnant when you have sex during your period?
If you’re under the impression you can’t get pregnant if you have sex during your period, you may want to think twice. “It is possible to get pregnant on your period because predicting ovulation is very hard,” says Engle. “Semen can live inside the body for up to seven days so if you ovulate right after your period, you could get pregnant.”
This is why it’s always important to use protection no matter where you are in your cycle. While Engle explains that this scenario is somewhat unlikely, ovulation is dependent on a number of factors and varies from menstruator to menstruator.
For most people, ovulation begins seven to 12 days after the start of their last period, but sperm have a pretty long lifespan, so let’s just all make a pact to play it safe and use protection. Remember, condoms can also help prevent the transmission of STDs and STIs, as noted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), so suit up people.
Need some condom options? Check out the full line of SKYN condoms.
Period sex benefits
Now that you know the answer to the question, “Can you have sex on your period,” let’s discuss period sex benefits.
- It can improve your mood. Whether you experience an orgasm from masturbation or partnered sex, orgasms provide a plethora of benefits. One of those is improved mood thanks to the hormones dopamine and oxytocin. If you’re in a crummy mood during your period, you may want to consider period sex. It could just put you in a better mood and state of mind.
- It may increase your sex drive. Most women feel the friskiest during ovulation, but some women really feel themselves during ovulation and during their period. If that’s you, then take advantage of that increased sex drive and put it to good use. Your body and your partner will thank you.
- It may shorten your period. The length of your period depends on how thick your uterine lining is and how long it takes for your uterus to shed it. Sex during your period and orgasms, multiple orgasms if you’re lucky, can cause the uterine lining to shed at an increased rate. This is why you may experience a heavy flow when you’re having period sex followed by a much slower flow for a few days after your latest sexual soiree. If you want to say so long to Aunt Flow faster, start having period sex sooner.
- It provides natural lubrication. Another reason why some women feel naturally more frisky during their period is because of all that natural lubrication going on down there. Period blood can easily act as a natural lubricant during sex that makes penetration more pleasurable and much smoother.
- It relieves cramps and period-induced headaches. If you’ve reviewed our guide to orgasms, then you know orgasms may relieve menstrual cramps. Besides a better mood, sex during your period may relieve any painful menstrual cramps and period-induced headaches. This is all due to the oxytocin that is released when we orgasm, which just so happens to be the body’s natural pain-reliever, explains Engle. More period sex, please!
Period sex tips
If you want to give period sex a whirl, consider a few tips for sex during your period before you get it on with your partner or yourself.
- Change of venues. Period sex can be messy, so if you want to avoid a major cleanup, opt for a change of venue and hop in the bath or shower for some period sex in the bathroom. Rub-a-dub-dub.
- Go slow. During your period, the cervix drops, which can cause some sensitivity during sex, especially if you’re really diving in with some deep penetration. Before you go all in and balls deep, be gentle, ease into it, and go slow to see what’s an appropriate depth for you when you’re engaging in sex during your period.
- Remove your tampon. Hey, it sounds silly, but I’ve listened to way too many stories on the Girls Gotta Eat podcast that tell of women forgetting to remove their tampons before period sex. Before you put anything in your vagina (fingers, penis, or toys — hey, maybe all three) make sure it’s free and clear of any tampons or other period products first. This is rule number one.
- Try a different position. Although sex during your period may help alleviate period cramps, you may need to find a sex position that’s more accommodating to how you’re feeling. Bloating, cramps — take all of these symptoms into account and adjust as needed. Don’t worry because there’s a sex position for just about anything including period sex.
- Use a dark towel or period sheets. Periods are messy, so spare your pristine white sheets and whip out that old set of period sheets. If you don’t have a designated set of sheets for period sex, grab a dark-colored bath towel instead.
Can you have sex on your period?
If you or your friends are asking the question, “Can you have sex on your period?,” the answer is yes! You totally can have sex during your period — and with all of the benefits of it, you may want to start having more period sex. Just consider using a few of these period sex tips first and remember to still wear a condom.