Lift Heavy and Make Today Strong With This 30-Minute Workout

We love heavy weights. In fact last year, as I was about to turn 30, I went off in pursuit of the fountain of youth. And it seems that regular strength and weight-bearing activities are the answer to keeping your bones strong, body composition where you want it and metabolism firing. And so we lift heavy because it’s cheaper than Botox.

Pick up two heavy dumbbells and feel a little extra bounce in your step in just 30 minutes.

Here’s your workout:

This workout is slow and controlled to help you build strength. You’ll spend a minute on each exercise, counting your reps and aiming for 12 total reps of each exercise. Rest for about 15 seconds in between. For almost every exercise, you’ll use a three-count as your lengthen the muscle and a one-count as you return to your starting position. You’ll do the full set three total times.

  • Down 3, up 1 – deadlift
  • Down 3, up 1 – Leg lifts
  • Up 3, down 1 – bent-over row
  • Hold for 3 counts on each side – Russian twists
  • Down 3, up 1 – Floor press, then hold a bridge
  • Down 3, up 1 – right lunge, the hold a low lunge
  • down 3, up 1 – lunge left, the hold a low lunge

Here are your moves:

Deadlift: With weight in the mid-sole of your feet and a slight bend in your knees to avoid locking your knees out, hold your heaviest set of dumbbells with your palms facing your body. Hinge forward from your hips, keeping your back flat and core pulled in as you slide your weights down the front of your body. Lower down for three and stand back up for one count.

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Leg lifts: In a supine position place your hands next to your glutes. Drive your lower back down to the ground as you float your feet 3-6 inches off the ground to start the movement. Lift your legs up to the point at which your feet are above your hips and lower back down to your starting position. Lower down for three and lift up for one.

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Bent-over rows: With your feet planted hips-width distance apart and your knees bent slightly, hinge from your hips, keeping your core engaged and your back flat. Hold your body in this position for the duration of this exercise. Start with the weights in front of you and your palms facing each other. Maintaining that same palm position, pull your elbows up, keeping them narrow and pull your shoulder blades together behind you. Lower down for three and pull up for one.

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Russian twists: Sitting on the floor with your heels planted, lean back to engage your core, keeping your back flat and shoulders rolled back. Twist gently to the right and hold for a three-count and then back to the left and hold for a three-count.

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Floor press with a bridge: In supine position, hold your heavy dumbbells with your palms facing each other and your elbows on the floor near your ribs. Plant your feet. Press your weights up keeping your palms facing each other and lower back down to your starting position.

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Stationary lunge: With your weights in your hands to add a challenge to the lunge, step your left foot back about 2 feet (depending on how tall you are). Be sure to position yourself so that you can drop your back knee to 90 degrees and keep your front knee bent at 90 degrees. Your front heel will stay firmly on the floor while you back heel will lift as you lower down. Lower down for three counts and drive up for one.

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(Disclaimer: This workout is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a replacement for seeking medical treatment or professional nutrition advice. Do not start any nutrition or physical activity program without first consulting your physician.)

Move Workouts

About Jeana Anderson Cohen

Jeana Anderson Cohen is the founder and CEO of a premiere wellness media destination that creates content and community to help womxn live better lives and achieve their goals. Before founding health-focused companies Jeana earned a degree in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison - and fresh out of college she worked on the '08 Obama campaign in Michigan. From there, she created and executed social media strategies for brands. aSweatLife fuses her experience in building community and her passion for wellness. You can find Jeana leading the team at aSweatLife, trying to join a book club, and walking her dog Maverick.