4 Ways to Add More Protein to Your Breakfasts

If you’re looking to support your energy, stress levels, and hormones throughout your day, it might be time to look deeper into your breakfasts. As an RD, I emphasize that really all nutrients are important, have a purpose, and shouldn’t be overlooked. That said, protein is a nutrient that most of the people I work with seem to be deficient in as a whole.

You’ve probably heard your whole life “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” or have even seen the recent rise in popularity of “morning routines.” It’s no secret that what you do in the morning sets the tone for your day, especially when it comes to energy, mood, and mental clarity.

Ensuring you have quality protein sources at breakfast can really help balance blood sugar and cortisol levels to start your day. Let’s discuss four simple ways to add in more protein to your breakfasts.


1. Make an egg scramble

It’s like an omelet — but easier. Egg scrambles are one of my favorite ways to add protein to breakfasts while diversifying your veggie/fiber sources. Simply saute two to three different vegetables, set aside, scramble three to four eggs, combine, and top with avocado and fresh herbs. I would recommend adding a fruit side for a carbohydrate. 

2. Add protein to your oatmeal

Oatmeal in itself is a great source of fiber, but the way we traditionally prepare it is lacking in the protein. I’d recommend mixing in half a serving of protein powder and one tablespoon of nut butter to your traditional oatmeal, which also (conveniently) will really add some flavor. Top with your favorite berries for an antioxidant boost.  

3. Make a balanced protein shake

Most of my clients are surprised by this, but making protein shakes can really be one of the simplest, quickest breakfasts — especially if your mornings tend to be rushed. Once you get in the groove, most can take two to three minutes to make. The key is to ensure your shake has a base, a quality protein powder, fruit, vegetable, and quality fat. You can find more tips and tricks with this article

4. Assemble breakfast tacos with black beans

This is a fun way to spice up your breakfasts. Simply warm up your favorite tortilla (I love Siete Foods), add in scrambled eggs, avocado, your favorite salsa, and black beans for extra protein and fiber. I’d recommend using your favorite taco seasoning to flavor the beans, thus the tacos. This is another option that seems like it would take a while to make but is pretty simple once you consistently add it to your routine. 

The bottom line on protein

Some of us associate protein with building muscle or getting “bulky,” but it really is essential for everyone for so many reasons — from metabolic health to mental health to longevity. I encourage you to chip away at these ideas and see what works best for you! 

Eat Hacks & Tips

About Chelsea Stegman

Chelsea is the owner and founder of Chelsea Stegman Nutrition, LLC. She is a Chicago based virtual dietitian working with active professionals through energy management, recovery, and adrenal health. She takes a well rounded approach to working with clients, including nutrition to fuel strength, cardio, and recovery based exercise; overall recovery; adrenal testing; habit development; and supplementation. You can catch her hanging with her mini husky, exploring the local restaurants, or running by the lakefront. Find her online at www.chelseastegmanrd.com.