Your Guide to Creating a CBD Routine That Will Stick With You
[This post was created in partnership with Sunday Scaries. As always, we only partner with brands we truly believe in and love. And man do we love their gummies. Get 25% off with code SWEAT25]
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a feeling that accompanied being overwhelmed with the worries. The best way I can describe it is this: it’s like being enveloped by an opaque cloud that makes every cell in my body vibrate in a way that’s so distracting, I can’t think of anything else. If this visualization resonates with you, you’ve probably encountered a worry or two as well.
A few years ago, when we were fundraising for a tech company, you know, casually on the side, I made CBD a part of my morning and evening routine, because that stupid cloud was becoming more of a mainstay.
And when I made it a habit, I started to feel calmer, clearer, and less likely to freak the f*#k out.
The hardest part of that for me was going from seeing the problem to making my way out of the cloud through that CBD routine. Routines have always been a challenge. It’s not because I don’t believe in them – I absolutely do. It’s just that as someone who identifies as a rebel, a routine just feels like… rules.
I’ve researched, I’ve written about and I’ve asked others about their various routines. From all of that, I’ve created a pretty tried and true check-list to make them stick. Yes, even for a rebel like me. And if I can do it, you can too.
Here’s how.
Know why you’re doing it
Being in tune with the why for the routine or habit is a must and when it came to taking CBD and other cannabinoids, I wanted to be sure I understood the why.
For me it was directly linked to managing those aforementioned worries – or scaries. More and more studies back the link between CBD taken daily and being able to manage stress and anxiety. Thank goodness, too, because I can’t have that argument at a dinner party again.
And because the CBD in Sunday Scaries is a fat soluble compound, it hangs out in your body’s fat. Or, to put it scientifically, the benefits compound over time.
Pair your new action with something that’s already a habit
Habit and happiness expert Gretchen Rubin calls this strategy “habit pairing.” The final result is a sort of trick that makes the old habit feel incomplete without the new one. It’s sorcery, but it works.
My longest-standing habit is my morning coffee. Because I’m not one of those lunatics who is actively quitting coffee, I know this habit is a solid foundation to stack others on top of. It’s honestly why I prefer French press coffee. In the time it takes that beautiful, fancy French press coffee to steep, I water my plants, write the fastest little journal entry, and I take my morning CDB. Every living thing thrives in those 5-10 minutes in my house.
Because my habits are stacked on top of coffee, I keep everything I need for all of those habits near my coffee gear. Sunday Scaries CBD gummies, the watering can, my journal, and my coffee grinder.
For you, the habit you’re interested in stacking on top of could be brushing your teeth. If that’s the case, keep your CBD and any other gear associated with your new habit right next to your toothpaste. May I also suggest flossing if we’re out here adding dental hygiene habits?
Start small and commit as you go
I have to fight a wacky tendency of diving into things head-first and then immediately regretting the decision. Instead of quietly committing to a cute little run club, I shout from the mountains that I’m going to run a marathon. Cue buyer’s remorse. Do I have to train all summer? I don’t want to train all summer. I can just do the long runs, right? I hate the long runs. Holy shit, I’m at the starting line. How did I get here? I hate it here!
You know, regular stuff that leads to six months of existential dread.
But I’ve learned that if I try a little bit of a new habit at a time, I’m likely to enjoy it and choose to commit instead of dreading it because I’m obligated (remember, I hate rules and obligations are essentially rules). That’s because I’m able to treat it more like an experiment than an obligation.
With CBD, that experimentation may take the form of taking gummies after dinner and assessing how you feel after three weeks. Then, you can adjust the amount, the type, and the time of day. And, bonus, you haven’t bought an entire year’s supply, so you’re able to change course.
And – most importantly – you’re in control of your next step.
Make sure you enjoy it
Not liking a habit, but forcing it into my life sounds like a “should.” And shoulds have no place in a routine built by a rebel. A “should” is just a gentler rule. And, please see above, but rebels hate rules. The way to take an action from a “should” to a habit is to enjoy it. Then you’ll stop saying, “I should ______” and start saying, “I want to _______.” Doesn’t that feel better?
And for CBD, it comes down to a craveable flavor. Sure, I love a good tincture, but I crave the cute little gummy bears from Sunday Scaries packed with chill and infinite flavor.
Sunday Scaries doesn’t want to brag, but they just keep getting all of these awards for their signature CBD gummy bears. Sunday Scaries have been ranked the best CBD gummies in Forbes, Healthline, Discover Magazine, Best Products, Cosmopolitan and many more since 2017.
And if you’re living that plant-based lifestyle, there’s a delicious, vegan gummy for you.
Try building your own CBD routine with Sunday Scaries, and get 25% off with code SWEAT25. Start with the gummies, or try a tincture.
Oh, and by the way, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary. This information does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.
2 thoughts on “Your Guide to Creating a CBD Routine That Will Stick With You”
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I’m super interested in making CBD part of my routine. Problem I have is I work for a very large corporation and have random drug testing. Several months ago, two of my coworkers, who strictly used THC-free CBD lotion for their arthritis, tested positive for marijuana and were fired. Does CBD show up as THC since it is fat soluble? Anyone have experience with CBD and their work’s drug testing?
Kay, we actually cover that in another blog post! more info here:
However, it seems like your company is super strict. Sunday Scaries addresses this on their website and says: “While Sunday Scaries products have no detection of THC, some drug tests can’t differentiate among cannabinoids. CBD is from hemp plants in the cannabis family, therefore we cannot guarantee CBD will not show up. If you expect to take a drug test, we DO NOT recommend taking any CBD products.”