Six Things To Do Every Day to Increase Your Happiness
I want to be happy. I think almost everyone would say the same thing. Being happy means different things to different people, but I’d go out on a limb to say we’re all trying to get there. So many stress points in life can make this goal harder to achieve – from health to work to relationships, life can get messy. But sometimes, it’s the little things that make all the difference in helping you achieve your goal. One little tweak can take you further than you think. Here a few simple ideas that can enhance your happiness.
Be grateful … everyday.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting everything you don’t have. Take a minute, reflect on the things and people in your life that make you happy. Bonus points, keep a gratitude journal and write down what you are grateful for each and every day. This will give you constant reflection on the positive things in your life.
Crank your tunes.
It’s impossible for me not to smile when listening to my favorite song. Take a minute, turn up your favorite tunes and start belting them out. You’ll instantly feel the boost. Whether it’s Mariah Carey, Dierks Bentley or Chance the Rapper, give it a try and I can almost guarantee you’ll feel better.
Get moving!
Ever take a boxing class when you’re pissed? Can’t make a decision so you try a long run? Working out will give you a boost. Elle Woods explains it perfectly, “Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy.” Makes sense, right?
Think positively.
The power of positive thinking is amazing. Instead of dwelling on the negative, find one thing that’s positive in the situation. Rain on the day of your outdoor concert? Great – now you won’t be too hot. Puppy chewed on your favorite shoes? Okay, it was time for a new pair anyway. Sure, you can look at the negative, but just try to pick one thing that’s positive. Just try it, you’ll be amazed.
Treat yourself.
I’m not saying to go out and buy a new car, however a tiny bit of pampering can go a long way. A mani/pedi, an extra shot of matcha, that smoothie after a tough workout – more often than not a little something special can enhance your mood and add a little pep in your step.
Be kind to someone.
You know that feeling you get when you volunteer? Or when you help someone out just because? Kindness is awesome – it’s almost magic. It can elevate your mood instantly. Random acts of kindness (whether material or not) can unexpectedly increase your well-being. Extra benefit: the recipient will get some major smiles out of the experience as well.
Obviously, these aren’t permanent fixes – but sometimes a little boost is all you need to get you on the right path for the moment. Give these practices a try – they’ll help you smile wider, appreciate more and generally feel better. If you’re happy and you know it…