Here’s What You Can Expect From An Aura Reading

When it comes to taking care of yourself, anything that allows you to feel better (read: exercise, eating well, sleeping more, taking vacation) is a vital form of self care. Among many wellness trends in 2019, alternative forms of medicine and the more “woo woo” self-care practices have crept to the top of the list. You’re seeing CBD oil-infused everything, cricket protein-based snacks, adaptogens as main stream, and healing crystals as legit ways to improve your well-being.

Aura readings are slowly moving out of the fringes to become a mainstream wellness activity. We’ll go ahead and put that in the category of the “woo woo” too – but you won’t see any of us here at aSweatLife knocking it.

Your aura is, simply put, is an electromagnetic field that surrounds you as a human. Aura photography captures the general field of energy surrounding a person in the moment the photo is taken. And when Cindy Luffred, founder of Revealing Soul, moved to Chicago two years ago, she went looking for someone to read her aura and couldn’t find anything close to what she was looking for.

Although Luffred worked in sales for over a decade, she’s always had a more spiritual side to her. Even growing up, she knew she had a deeper connection to the “other side.” Luffred is also a medium.

“Like many people who are born with [that sensitivity to energy], you push it under the rug, or you don’t realize what’s different and unique about it,” Luffred told me.

But when she was in high school, a similarly spiritual neighbor took Luffred under her wing and helped her understand the things she could pick up on, helped her hone her skills. Her neighbor also had an aura camera. Ever since then, it’s been a part of of Luffred’s life, and has helped her understand and validate where her energy is.

“[I love] to see a visual representation of the changes I’m going through,” Luffred said. “For example, I took my aura the day I put in my notice at my corporate job and it completely shifted and changed to colors that validate that I’m doing more of what I love and moving closer to my life’s purpose. It’s just so fulfilling to see the shift in my energy over time.”

For Luffred, and for many others, it allows them to see the shift in energy over time. Which is exactly why Luffred wanted to fill the void in Chicago. Now, she’s helping others see changes and shifts as they move closer to their true potential.

Interested in trying out a session? This is everything you’d need to know about getting an aura reading of your own.

What happens when you have an aura reading?

Your aura reader will ask you to place your hands on two sensors; the hardware will interpret the energy in your hands and mirror that energetic output in the photo around your head and body. You’ll have to sit for a few moments to allow the sensors to scan the energetic output around your hands, and to eventually print out what looks like a Polaroid photo. The photo will technically be of your face, but you’ll likely only see a myriad of colors surrounding you. Your aura reader will then use this to interpret the colors around you and how it relates to the energy you’re putting out into the universe.

Luffred reminded me of one important note about the colors she saw in my photo.

“Your thoughts, your emotions, everything you’re doing today is attracting in your future,” she said. “That’s just the law of attraction.”

An aura reader like Luffred with Revealing Soul can tell you what she’s picking up on based on the output in the photo, but that may shift dramatically if you change your course, or if the way you feel about something changes.

And energy is always shifting. When I first sat down for my aura reading, I was coming straight from teaching two back-to-back classes, I was hustling through downtown Chicago to make it there on time, the weather was terrible and I was in an overall state of stress. My first photo was almost entirely dark red, maroon, and opaque. Luffred looked at it, looked at me, and back at the photo again. She then said something along the lines of, “Do you want to try this again?”

I washed my hands, had some water, took some deep breaths, and we had a relaxing conversation for few minutes to allow my energy to settle back down. The second photo she took displayed a bright spectrum of vibrant colors, from purple to yellow to orange and lime green.

What do the colors in your aura reading signify?

After allowing the photo colors to set in, Luffred let me know that there are no bad colors, just positive and negative traits to each. The photo showed the space just to the left and right of me, above my head, and down to my torso. Typically, the colors on the right side of your body depict what’s in your control. The colors on your lefthand side show what you’re attracting in the next three to six months. And the colors above your head space represent the energy of the universe and your “guides,” as Luffred refers to them.

She walked me through each colored area for about 20 minutes. If you book a full session, you’ll get this length of explanation about your energy reading. Luffred can also do much more abbreviated versions of the reading, sharing high level inferences from each major quadrant in the photo.

How aura readings may be beneficial to you?

Is it perfect science? Perhaps not. Does it allow you the time and space to consider what kind of energy you’re putting out in the world and what you’re attracting? Absolutely.

As Luffred says, “Everyone can tune into their intuition, listen to their guides—we’re all born with that. We’re all given the gift of tapping into our intuition.” An aura reading can help you cultivate that practice.

For me, taking 45 minutes or so to think about what she told me allowed me to get out of my own head for a minute and take look at what’s stressing me out, how I’m thinking about the future, what I’m passionate about, and if I’m directing my energy towards things that are productive and good for my well-being.

Who can get aura readings?

Anyone can, but there outside of the box ways to look at this experience. Marie Goodman on our team (who you may also know from the business she co-founded outside of aSweatLife, SuperHue) had her aura reading done in tandem with her co-founder Korina. The reading gave each confidence and a little validation in their roles with the business.

aSweatLife founder/CEO Jeana Anderson Cohen went a different route, having her aura reading done with her dog (and best friend) Maverick. Heading into the reading, Luffred explained to Cohen that a reading with a dog can showcase the relaxed state and the value of a dog’s pure love in one’s life. At one point, Cohen noted that Luffred read that Maverick was a sort of soulmate or spirit guide to Cohen. As soon as that sentence left Luffred’s mouth, Maverick got up from the spot where he was comfortably laying on the floor and traveled across the room to lick Luffred’s hand, as if to say, “you figured it out!”


If you’re interested in hearing more about what Cindy does with Revealing Soul – as an aura reader or medium – connect with her through Instagram here.


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About Maggie Umberger

Maggie moved to Chicago from North Carolina in 2014 with a degree in Journalism and Spanish, a 200-hour yoga certification, a group fitness cert and a passion to teach and to sweat. It wasn't until she found aSweatLife that she really started to feel at home. Here, she's incorporated her passion for health and wellness into her career as she helps to build the network of Ambassadors, trainers and fitness enthusiasts that exist within the aSweatLife ecosystem. You can also find her coaching at CrossTown Fitness and teaching yoga classes at Bare Feet Power Yoga, Yoga Six and exhale.