Cope With Change Using These Tactics To Embrace It

embrace change

In life, change is inevitable. We experience change and adapt to it in our everyday lives whether we know it or not. From varying job responsibilities and roles, to the prescribed workout in your group fitness class, to breaking up with a significant other, to Facebook adding the News Feed… Do you remember how much of a stir that created?

We see change in many different ways and it’s important we learn how to deal with the small changes so we’re prepared to take on bigger, life changing moments that come our way.

While change is everywhere, it comes with different degrees of difficulty to process. As a result, we react differently. For example, when a trainer changes up your workout, you might need to modify the workout until you build up more strength to complete the session. When you get promoted, taking on a new role might require a few more hours in the office to learn the position. However, the difficulty we find in change can turn into stress quickly if we don’t process it in a constructive way.


Embracing change first by deciding to shift your perspective

We can let change be overwhelming or we can adopt one process to help ease the stress when change arises. This simple way to manage change is to shift your mindset and perspective. Shift fear, stress and anxiety to a place where we embrace change in life.

In the past few months, I’ve encountered a lot of personal change including starting a new job, living in a new city and buying a car for my commute rather than using my own two feet. The amount of effort that comes with change is tiring and uncomfortable. Actively shifting your perspective to embrace new routine keeps your energy high and yourself feeling optimistic.


Embracing change through recognition of it

Embracing change is hard, but it doesn’t mean it’s all negative. Moving from the city to the country is a major change (or vice versa, moving from the country to the city), but one way isn’t wrong or worse than the other. It’s easy to argue that the city is bustling with people and has so many great gyms, smoothie shops and restaurants; while on the flip side you can argue that the country has quiet streets for long solo runs, beautiful sunsets and time to relax. What helps us accept change is simply recognizing the change so you can be aware of it. From there, you can embrace the new opportunities that come with it.


Embracing change by adopting a new routine

Another part of embracing change is adopting a new routine. Hanging on to your old ways will only be frustrating and difficult. Finding a new normal will help you adapt more quickly to your new surroundings. For example, in a city it is very easy to walk from your apartment to the gym and get to work by 8:30 am. The first few months I was holding onto my old routine and that just wasn’t working. Class times were hard to find in the morning, and gym locations were not convenient for my commute. Knowing that fitness was one routine I did not want to compromise, I embraced the opportunity to start an at-home workout routine. While it is very different from my morning routine a few months ago, it gives me the chance to work out, eat and get ready at home, all before stepping out the door.

Part of embracing change is bringing awareness to your feelings, to your surroundings and your emotions. Tune in to the new opportunities you have with change so you can shift your perspective from a negative space. It’s easy to be stuck in the past, in your old way of doing something, and that makes change stressful and difficult. We encounter change every day in various ways, so learning to embrace change – big or small – will help you evolve and adapt more easily.

Happiness Mindfulness Think & Feel

About Kelly Molnar

A marketing manager by day, Kelly Magnus has serious passion for keeping active. Kelly believes in making fitness fun by sweating with friends at events like #Sweatworking, or morning run meet-ups. Aside from her day job, she’s an age-group triathlete having completed sprint to half-iron distance races. She’s also a yoga instructor and you can find her teaching strength classes at Studio Three in Chicago. Kelly's hope is that her writing on aSweatLife inspires everyone, no matter their fitness level, to get moving. Kelly is from Wisconsin and attended the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.