Anthony Vennare on the Future of Fitness

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If you asked 1999 Kristen what the future of fitness looked like, she would have shamelessly stolen tropes from Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. Workouts led by a holographic fitness instructor, pick-up games of anti-gravity basketball, and silver scrunchies holding our hair in space buns were all BOUND to be in place by 2049. And if we got to do our fitness from an international space station, all the better.

Well, we’re about halfway between the point where Zenon came out, in 1999, and when it takes place in 2049. Seems like a great time to check in on the future of fitness, right?

In our final episode on our deep dive on the history of fitness, we bring on Anthony Vennare, CEO and co-founder of Fitt and an active investor in the fitness space. 

Anthony Vennare CEO of FITT on #WeGotGoals future of fitness episode

As the curator of the Fitt Insider newsletter, Anthony spends a significant amount of time exploring everything from the resurgence of magic mushrooms to healthcare funded fitness; I consistently open his newsletter to scrounge for new wellness brands and get a mini-deep dive on a niche wellness topic. After all, as Anthony points out in this episode, “everything is wellness” – and the future of fitness includes more than just trending workouts.

Anthony and his brother and co-founder, Joe, also invest in early-stage companies across health, wellness, fitness & nutrition. Their portfolio companies include some big names: Balanced, obe fitness, Future, Superset and more. 

In this episode, you’ll hear Anthony talk through his top four future of fitness predictions: outdoor recreation, accountability as a service, services and apps to help you age well, and how companies can monetize habit and behavior change. We get into our shared passion for pickleball, the allure of wellness retirement communities, and the gamification of fitness. It might not be what Zenon had envisioned, but in our eyes, the future of fitness is still pretty fascinating.

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About Kristen Geil

A native of Lexington, Kentucky, Kristen moved to Chicago in 2011 and received her MA in Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse from DePaul while trying to maintain her southern accent. Kristen grew up playing sports, and since moving to Chicago, she’s fallen in love with the lakefront running path and the lively group fitness scene. Now, as a currently retired marathoner and sweat junkie, you can usually find her trying new workouts around the city and meticulously crafting Instagram-friendly smoothie bowls. Kristen came on to A Sweat Life full-time in 2018 as Editor-in-Chief, and she spends her days managing writers, building content strategy, and fighting for the Oxford comma.