Take on This 30-Minute Workout with Pro-Athlete and Nike Trainer David Carson
On a day when you’re in a pinch and need a workout, but don’t have time to plan a lengthy one yourself or make it to a class, we have you covered. In addition to our 30-minute workouts at asweatlife.com, in October we’re bringing you 30-minute workouts from some of your favorite trainers.
Today, David Carson has a bodyweight workout for you that will have you sweating in minutes and feeling totally re-energized after your half-hour workout is over.
When David’s not busy training clients (who run the gamut from everyday athletes to professionals), he’ll be helping you work out in the comfort of your own home through the SweatWorking app. You’ll be able to catch David on SweatWorking app (launching soon from the team and friends who bring you aSweatLife), but you can sign up for the athlete waitlist today. Follow SweatWorking on Instagram for coaches’ and athletes’ updates.
David’s workout today is particularly heavy on the cardio, so get ready to sweat for next half hour.
In David’s words, “Conditioning is key to train like the athlete you are.” And conditioned you’ll be after you’re done with this workout.
Here’s your 30 minutes of sweat:
You’ll do 30 seconds of each exercise, resting for 10 seconds in between. You’ll do this three time through with one minute of rest between each round of nine movement.
- Jump Rope
- Reverse Lunges
- Power Skips
- Lateral Lunges
- Jumping Jacks
- Hand Walkout to Push-up
- Mountain Climbers
- Glute Bridges
- Russian Twist
Here are the exercises broken down:
Jump Rope: Stand with your feet together, arms out beside you as if you were holding a jump rope. As you move your wrists – like you would be jumping rope – jump up and down, keeping your core tight and your elbows close to your sides.
Alternating reverse lunges: Step your left foot back into a lunge as you lean your body slightly forward – keep your back heel up and dig down through your front heel. Using your core, stand back up to center, then step your right foot back into a lunge.
Power skips: Lunge one leg back into a deep lunge, extending your back leg further back than you would in a regular reverse lunge. Power off your back leg to drive that knee into your chest as you jump up. Land softly on two feet, then lunge your opposite leg back and repeat on the other side.
Alternating lateral Lunges: Start with your feet together, then step your left foot out into a lunge, keeping your feet parallel. Sit your hips back but keep your chest lifted in this lateral lunge. Then, use your core to step your left foot back to center and repeat on the right side.
Jumping jacks: Jump your feet out wide, keeping them parallel and tap your hands above your head. Jump your feet back together as you bring your hands by your sides.
Walkout to push-up: Start standing with feet parallel. Forward fold, keeping your back straight and your legs as straight as possible. Walk your hands out to a push-up position. In the plank position, do one push-up, lowering your chest to the floor, then press back up, walk your hands back in and stand up.
Mountain climbers: From a plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, drive your knees into your chest one at a time, alternating.
Glute bridges: Lie on your back, feet down, knees up. Drive through your heels to lift your hips off the ground, keeping your chin away from your chest and your head on the ground. Squeeze your glutes and keep your knees and toes tracking forward. Inhale to lower back down after 30 seconds.
Russian twist: From seated with your knees and feet together, rotate your torso one direction, then rotate the opposite way. Keep your knees level the entire time, not letting them shift with your upper body as it rotates.
(Disclaimer: This workout is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a replacement for seeking medical treatment or professional nutrition advice. Do not start any nutrition or physical activity program without first consulting your physician.)