F Train at On Your Mark Coaching and Training

Class title: F Training

Studio: On Your Mark Coaching & Training, 1753 N. Damen, Chicago, IL 60647

Other Chicago locations:

  • West Loop: 1101 W. Monroe, Suite A

Class Focus: This class packs a lot of high intensity cross training into 45 minutes. This class challenges strength, cardio and balance.

Cost per class: $25

Money saving offers:

  • First week is free
  • $200/month for unlimited classes
  •  $190 for a 10 class pack— 3 month expiration
  • $425 for a 25 class pack — 6 month expiration
  • $750 for a 50 class pack — 1 year expiration

Who should take the class: 

  • Anyone interested in packing a lot of work into a little less time – it felt like an hour’s worth of work in 45 minute’s time
  • Parents who want to take a class together – there is a kid’s room on site

The Fab Fit take:

This circuit training class is sure to challenge anyone who tries it. At a certain point I looked at the clock and thought, “holy $#*t, we have 30 minutes left?” which is the true sign of an intense workout. This class will take you to the edge of what you think your body can do.

This class felt more like semi-personal training than the typical fitness class. The trainer leading the class, Brittaney McGary, was very hands-on and offered corrections to make each movement more targeted and efficient, but she also didn’t make you feel like a fool for needing a little help. Admittedly, I’ve been doing squats for 12 years and I still freak out that I’m going to hurt my knees and use sub-par form. She swooped in and corrected my squat.

The format followed a circuit training routine with the 4 people in class moving through two circuits three times each. The first circuit was meant to get the heart pounding while also toning. We moved through 6 movements, spending 45 seconds on each:

  1. An uphill climb at a 30% incline going 3.5 MPH
  2. step-ups and step-downs on three boxes with increasing height while carrying a heavy chain
  3. Fast bicep curls using a resistance band
  4. “Hot potato” squats, which was a squat followed up by throwing a 10 lb sand bag into the air
  5. Wood choppers with a medicine ball tossed against a vertical trampoline followed by catching the ball and repeating (I’m almost certain I’m not doing this move justice, but imagine throwing a med ball against this)
  6. Jumping chin ups. We use boxes to get us closer to the chin up bar and propelled ourselves into a chin up with a jump. Because I have not done a chin up since the President’s Physical Fitness Test (read: 5th grade), this move knocked my arms and deltoids out of commission.

After the first three sets, we moved onto a more toning-focused circuit. We spent 30 seconds on each movement or hold and completed the circuit a total of 3 times:

  1. High plank
  2. Pushups
  3. Side plank on the right side with a leg pulse
  4. Side plank on the left side with a leg pulse
  5. Fast presses with a body bar. Using s wide hold, we pressed the bar from chin height to forehead height.

After completing that 45 minute class, Brittaney walked anyone interested in foam rolling through the best way to work out muscular soreness. OYM also has video tutorials on foam rolling here.


  • Take advantage of the free week. Reader beware, you will become addicted.
  • Check out the Online tools that OYM offers, teaching you everything from nutrition to proper form to foam rolling and flexibility.

The verdict: I’m waiting to restore full movement in my upper body before going back to F train, but I’m taking F Core – the core-focused class – today.

Date/time taken: 10/20/12, 11 am

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About Jeana Anderson Cohen

Jeana Anderson Cohen is the founder and CEO of asweatlife.com a premiere wellness media destination that creates content and community to help womxn live better lives and achieve their goals. Before founding health-focused companies Jeana earned a degree in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison - and fresh out of college she worked on the '08 Obama campaign in Michigan. From there, she created and executed social media strategies for brands. aSweatLife fuses her experience in building community and her passion for wellness. You can find Jeana leading the team at aSweatLife, trying to join a book club, and walking her dog Maverick.