4 Creative Ways to Use Avocado

What comes to mind when you think of healthy fats? For me, it’s always avocado. Its unique texture took a while to grow on me when I was younger, but now I’m realizing that it makes it so much more versatile. In addition to the versatility, its nutrient profile is unique as well, containing quality fats, fiber, magnesium, and more. 

Avocados can be expensive, so it’s important that you’re knowledgeable about how to buy and store to ensure you actually consume it. Firm avocados will be bright green and are often ready to eat in about four or five days. “Breaking” avocados have slightly more yield and are ready to eat in one to two days. Ready-to-eat avocados yield to gentle pressure.

For storage, avocados will ripen at a slower pace in the refrigerator. For firm avocados, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks and subsequently left at room temperature for up to two days. Ripe avocados can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week and are ready to use once taken out.  

So, what are a few creative ways you can incorporate avocados into your meals once they’re ripe? Let’s discuss. 

avocado guacamole

Creative ways to use avocado

1. Guacamole

This is probably our first thought when it comes to avocados, but there are so many ways to spruce up your guacamole. I’m all for autonomy when cooking, and this is one food that once you get used to making it, you feel more comfortable mixing and matching different herbs and spices to put your own spin on it. Here are a few recipes to get you started:

  • Classic Guacamole: With this recipe from Siete Foods, you can’t go wrong. 
  • Loaded Guacamole: This recipe from What’s Gaby Cooking truly has all the flavors, from sun dried tomatoes to bacon to chives and citrus. 
  • New Year’s Guacamole: This has pomegranate and an orange/tangerine twist. 

2. Chocolate cherry avocado pudding

This is a delicious evening snack with food sources of magnesium and melatonin to support sleep. With this, it’s safe to say you’ll get use out of your food processor and this will be on repeat. 

All you need:

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • ½ cup frozen cherries
  • ½ serving chocolate protein powder
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • ¼ cup coconut milk

Blend together in a food processor and enjoy! 

3. Avocado boats

This can be an easy way to add avocado to a snack or meal if you include other slides. The premise is to cut a ripe avocado in half, take out the pit, and fill with a protein-rich source.

Here are a few ideas:

4. Adding avocado as a garnish

Avocado is an excellent addition to most recipes that can really help carry the flavor. You can add it on top to a spicy soup or chili, to a lunch taco bowl or other macronutrient-rich bowl, to tacos, to an omelet or egg scramble, to any salad, or as a flavorful addition on top of a protein (this cucumber feta avocado salad is great on top of a protein). The possibilities are endless. 

The bottom line on using avocado

As we head into peak avocado season, I hope this brings some inspiration and excitement for adding them to your everyday eating. They truly can benefit you in many ways from your gut health to decreasing overall inflammation to improving your complexion. Enjoy! 

Eat Hacks & Tips

About Chelsea Stegman

Chelsea is the owner and founder of Chelsea Stegman Nutrition, LLC. She is a Chicago based virtual dietitian working with active professionals through energy management, recovery, and adrenal health. She takes a well rounded approach to working with clients, including nutrition to fuel strength, cardio, and recovery based exercise; overall recovery; adrenal testing; habit development; and supplementation. You can catch her hanging with her mini husky, exploring the local restaurants, or running by the lakefront. Find her online at www.chelseastegmanrd.com.