Eight Ways to Work Out with Your Kids
As a mom myself, I know how LITTLE time you get for yourself. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, fitting a workout in is TOUGH. And sometimes you just don’t have the option to hire a babysitter or wait until your husband comes home at 7 pm to watch the kids while you work out!

Lately, I have been looking for ways to INCLUDE my little one in my work out, so momma feels STRONG and I can work around my own schedule.
I checked in with Andrea Hassberger, a pre- and post-natal certified fitness instructor at SWEAT Fitness Studios in Chicago, for some guidance.
If looking to workout with your little one, she recommended, “Putting them in a carrier and doing a lifting workout is always a good idea. Use them for the extra weight while you do squats, lunges, tricep dips, etc. You can put them in their stroller and do walking lunges, dance with the baby to keep active and keep them content. Whatever works for the mom is the best thing to do, it’s different for everyone!”
Need some more inspiration? Check out eight great workout options you can do with the kids!
*Note: Always consult with a doctor before working out postpartum. Also, make sure you baby can hold their neck up when engaging them in exercises.
Mommy and Me Yoga
Mommy and Me Yoga was the first workout class I took my daughter to, mainly because you can incorporate your baby when they are as young as six weeks old. It is a fun way to hang in downward dog or plank while making funny faces at your little babe. Yoga is a great postpartum workout because of its stretching and strengthening, and I highly recommend this option for moms looking to ease into workout out.
Baby Boot Camp
Baby boot camp, Strollercize, or whatever regional name it goes by where you are has many locations across the country. This gives moms who have babies who sit in a stroller the option to get in an effective workout while incorporating their littles! Go momma go!
Barre Class
Believe it or not, they have ‘Babies at the Barre’ classes. Genius, right? You can wear your little one while fitting in your barre workout. The best part is you can live stream classes online at babiesatthebarre.com. SO COOL!
On the SweatWorking app, The Barre Code has several Mommy and Me workouts where you can either wear a carrier or let your baby lay on the floor. Each workout is ten minutes or less, so you can work in short bursts of activity when you have a few minutes or stack your workouts together for longer bouts of fitness.
Swim Classes
Most YMCAs have swim classes for kids as young as six months old. And while you might not be swimming laps, the constant engagement and resistance for an hour provides a low intensity workout. It is a great option for a way to work out with your baby.
Fit4Mom is an organization with many workout classes including the Stroller Strides, a running group for mom and babies. Each workout includes strength training, cardio, and core restoration.
Move Together
Move Together classes, based out of MyGym, include babies as young as six months old. The classes engage the babies in safe exercises, songs, and dances, and they engage parents in gentle postpartum exercises. I did this class with my baby at six months old and it was a great way to bond with her while fitting in a workout!
Investing in a child seat for your bicycle is a GREAT way to work out. First of all, cycling is a great workout for momma. Second of all, your kid will love the ride. My siblings and I all enjoyed this as kids and I can’t wait to do this with my little one this summer!
Play it out
Sounds simple enough, but chasing your kiddo around the park, playing catch with them, or running for freeze tag not only makes them smile, but also helps you break a sweat (because duh, we are not four anymore and don’t have their energy!). Get creative and have fun with your kids!