A Three-Part Treadmill Interval Workout

Whether you like to run as your only workout of the day or like mixing bodyweight and weight sets in between treadmill intervals, this three-part treadmill workout leaves space for either. You can go through all three sets back to back or hop off the treadmill in between and incorporate your favorite bodyweight sets. Need inspiration? You can select from our any of these bodyweight workouts.

If you try any part of this treadmill workout, let us know with this short survey.

If you choose to stay on the treadmill for all 30 minutes, take a two-minute recovery in between each set. Recover at a speed about half of your running speed.

Here’s your treadmill workout:

Set 1: 10 minutes

5 rounds of:

  • Jog speed :60
  • Run speed :30 (between 1.0 – 2.0 above your jog)
  • Sprint speed :30 (an additional 1.0 – 2.0 above your run)

After your first two-minute round, return to your jog for :60 and decide if you can increase your run speed by .1-.5 for the next round. Continue testing yourself each round.

Set 2: 10 minutes

Run for :60 at each of these intervals:

  • 2% incline, run speed (same run speed as ending Set 1) for :60
  • 3% incline, decrease speed by .2 for :60
  • 4% incline, decrease speed by .2 for :60
  • 5% incine, decrease speed by .2 for :60

Now with your incline set at 5%, run for :30 at each of these intervals:

  • 5% incline, increase speed by .2 for :30
  • 5% incline, increase speed by .2 for :30
  • 5% incline, increase speed by .2 for :30
  • 5% incline, increase speed by .2 (back to first run speed) for :30

Finally, increase your speed and decrease your incline for :60 each of these intervals:

  • 4% incline, increase speed .1-.5 for :60
  • 3% incline, increase speed by another .1-.5 for :60
  • 2% incline, increase speed by another .1-.5 for :60
  • 1% incline, increase speed to another .1-.5 for :60

Set 3: 4 minutes

This last set is Tabata intervals, meaning eight total rounds of :20 running, :10 resting (hopping off the side of your treadmill).

  • Set your incline to 10-15% as you’re walking on your treadmill.
  • For :20, run at the fastest pace you can maintain control of.
  • Hop off your belt to the sides of the treadmill for :10.

After eight full rounds, you’re done!


(Disclaimer: This workout is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a replacement for seeking medical treatment or professional nutrition advice. Do not start any nutrition or physical activity program without first consulting your physician.)

Move Workouts

About Maggie Umberger

Maggie moved to Chicago from North Carolina in 2014 with a degree in Journalism and Spanish, a 200-hour yoga certification, a group fitness cert and a passion to teach and to sweat. It wasn't until she found aSweatLife that she really started to feel at home. Here, she's incorporated her passion for health and wellness into her career as she helps to build the network of Ambassadors, trainers and fitness enthusiasts that exist within the aSweatLife ecosystem. You can also find her coaching at CrossTown Fitness and teaching yoga classes at Bare Feet Power Yoga, Yoga Six and exhale.