This Week in Wellness – Olympic Edition
There’s much to keep up with in the ever-changing world of wellness. We spend a lot of our time staying up-to-date on a lofty reading list. Here’s some of what we learned this week.
You were right to ask to be excused from gym class.
The New York Times’ Well Blog reported that your period might actually be linked to a higher injury potential when you compete. After an olympic swimmer mentioned that she was experiencing her monthly visitor, the Internet reacted as only the Internet could – in a super positive and productive conversation (not)!
The piece reports “that women may have a higher risk of tissue injuries, especially tears of the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee, at certain points in the menstrual cycle.”
Your muscles might also be less responsive during that time. Not fair.
You’re not recovering hard enough!
Shape reported on Olympic athletes recovery plans, which they called, “just as important as those early-morning workouts,” including cold therapies, compression, hydration and how they refuel. We know a place or two where you can recover better, like Edge Athlete Lounge in Chicago.
But, you’re so pretty when you smile.
Whether you’re a part of the a-squad at work, brought in to win new business or you’re a gold medal winner considered a part of one of the best U.S. gymnastics teams ever, you still don’t have to smile if you don’t want to. So mean-mug on and get ready to compete.
Meanwhile, outside of the games:
Kids these days.
Harvard Business Review shared that millennials are “actually” workaholics. Millennials everywhere just looked up from answering work emails on their phone to say, “Seriously?”
Project: Time Off found that Millennials are “more likely to forfeit unused vacation days than other groups — 24% of Millennials, 19% of Gen Xers, and 17% of Boomers forfeited time off that they’d earned.” They’re also more likely to see themselves as “work martyrs” who view their job as something no one else can do (or at least want others to see them that way).
If it smells like a French fry …
Kids are irritated by the fitness trackers McDonald’s put in happy meals, The Wall Street Journal shared. Their skin is anyway, so the fast food restaurant is pulling them.
What did you read this week?