4 Easy Ways to Eat More Beets
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, beets are known for their earthy flavor profile and undeniably packed with nutritional benefits. Overall, they have substantial anti-inflammatory properties, from supporting post-workout muscle recovery to reducing cardiovascular inflammation. Additionally, beets contain vitamin C, folate, and a high-quality mineral profile to really provide nutritional support from a cellular level.
Beets get a bad rap for being tough to cook and potentially dyeing your kitchen counter red — and hey, I get it. Really finding a few tried-and-true beet recipes or tips to add them in can go a long way (and some don’t include elaborate slicing and roasting). Below are a few of my faves.

Scope out beets in fast casual menus
If you’re like me, then fast casual restaurants are an easy backup for busier weeks. Once you scope out these restaurants that are close to your home or work, you’ll probably become a creature of habit with what you order. I encourage you to see if beets are on the menu, which is an easy way to pack in nutritional value in these settings. Examples of this could be the sweetgreen Super Green Goddess salad or Shroomami Warm Bowl.
Purchase ready-to-eat beets
These are usually found in the pre-cut produce section. They’re often flavored so you can easily eat them by themselves, add to a salad, or combine with a fruit in a protein smoothie. Common brands include Love Beets or Trader Joe’s has their own “Baby Beets.”
Consider beet juice
This is something I personally think is refreshing, especially post-workout. It’s an acquired taste, so it’s also something you could put in a smoothie with other flavors. Just ensure the juice doesn’t pack in too much added sugar — juices can be sneaky in that way.
Have some go-to beet recipes up your sleeve
I personally am finding beets more and more on restaurant menus and on my favorite recipe sites, and there’s truly some delicious options. Here are a few to consider:
- Beet Tzatziki: lemon juice, dill, garlic, beets — you can’t go wrong.
- Roasted Beets with Pistachios and Goat Cheese: This combo is everywhere recently, and for good reason — it’s delicious.
- Beet and Pomegranate Salad: I always emphasize diversity of colors, and it’s safe to say this recipe has that.
The bottom line on beets
Beets don’t have to be something you resentfully add in because they’re “good for you.” They can actually be a flavor packed part of your meals. Consider these options for intentionally adding in beets on a weekly basis — you won’t regret it.