We Got Goals: Tiffany Louise Uses Desired Emotions to Guide Her Actions

Tiffany Louise

There are many ways one can approach goal setting. There are arguments for stating your goals out loud, for keeping them to yourself, for writing down goals for ten years out and working backwards and for setting a daily intention a smaller goals each and every day. Tiffany Louise views goals as a way to actualize a feeling we’re trying to create. That’s why her yearly goals are honed in on those feelings she truly wants to drive her year; every decision thereafter is directly related whether or not it successfully helps her manifest them.

“What we’re really chasing or desiring is a feeling,” Tiffany said. “We think a goal will help us achieve that, but plenty of times we get there and we realize it’s not what we thought it would be. So each year I create the feeling that I want and figure out what the words are that represent that.”

This is one of the simplest, yet most intriguing ways we’ve heard to commit to New Year’s Resolutions. Tiffany shared how this method of goal setting worked for her and what she’s focusing on now.

2016 Goals:

In 2016, the words Tiffany called into her life were “Love” and “Light.”

“When I look back at the last year, that is what I let guide me,” Tiffany said. “If I think about a goal I accomplished in 2016, it was really about turning towards the light in every aspect of my life.”

For Tiffany, those words came to mind when she made decisions throughout the year. She asked herself if her decisions brought love and light into her life, and a lot of times, it influenced the things she chose to bring into (or not bring into) her life.

“I make conscious decisions about what I consume in my life. I think where you focus and where your energy goes, your intention flows. It’s not about blocking out the reality. I’m a therapist, I deal with reality every day, I’m not not paying attention to what’s happening in the world, but I’m clear about where [I can really make a difference] each day, so in my free time I focus on things that fill me up and fill the world up. That’s what I meant by ‘light’. I think that last year I did a great job of that,” Tiffany explained to me.

The idea of love was another guiding force.

“I wanted love to be a guidepost,” Tiffany said. “Were my decisions loving? Were the decisions for my blog or my business or my coaching practice – was the intention love versus financial gain or success in some area? Every post I put out, every interview I did, I asked ‘What am I here to serve’ and ‘How can I bring love forward.’

“And I would say that 2016 was full of love and light.”

2017 goals:

Two words will also be Tiffany’s guiding forces in 2017 – peace and prosperity.

“I think a lot of us look for abundance and success, but really, I’ve learned that if you don’t have your own peace of mind, spirit and body with that, it really means nothing,” she told me. “So I’m working on making sure that not only love and light are part of every choice but, but is this the most peaceful way to go about it? Will it create peace in my life and in the lives of others? That’s my focus for 2017.”



Try distilling your goals down to one or two words. Which words come to mind for you?


About Maggie Umberger

Maggie moved to Chicago from North Carolina in 2014 with a degree in Journalism and Spanish, a 200-hour yoga certification, a group fitness cert and a passion to teach and to sweat. It wasn't until she found aSweatLife that she really started to feel at home. Here, she's incorporated her passion for health and wellness into her career as she helps to build the network of Ambassadors, trainers and fitness enthusiasts that exist within the aSweatLife ecosystem. You can also find her coaching at CrossTown Fitness and teaching yoga classes at Bare Feet Power Yoga, Yoga Six and exhale.