Plug & Play Bodyweight Workout for Anywhere, Anytime

In many group fitness classes, the instructor pushes you right to the end of class. When you’re not in a group fitness setting, though, pushing yourself that extra last bit (or sometimes pushing yourself at all) can be a challenge.

This 35-minute bodyweight workout is no joke and it will keep you going even when you’re by yourself. After all, AMRAPs (As Many Reps As Possible) and EMOMs (Every Minute On the Minute) don’t lie!

You can swap any of the cardio, strength or ab sections with whatever you like in order to recycle this workout when you’re feeling less than inspired and need extra oomph to get moving. I turned my tanning session at the beach into this plug-and-play workout and it worked like a charm – worked up a killer sweat and soaked up some sun. Two birds. One stone.

Your next 35 minutes will look like this:

  • 11 minute AMRAP
  • 10 minute AMRAP
  • 9 minute AMRAP
  • 5-minute EMOM ab finisher

The AMRAP (as many reps as possible) sets all start with a cardio entry to complete before starting your strength exercises. The final 60 seconds of the AMRAP set is an ab exercise for the full minute.

Set One: 11-minute AMRAP

  • Start with 6 suicide drills full length of tennis court (or any distance you choose – I had a beach so I drew two lines in the sand to make my markers)
  • Then use all but the last 60 seconds of the remaining time in the 11-minute set to alternate between 10 lunge to push-ups and 20 windmill squats. Aim for 5 total sets.
  • During the last 60 seconds of the set, perform alternating bicycle crunches

Lunge push-ups: Start in a high lunge, lower down to a low lunge, shoot back to a three-legged dog, shoot forward into a three-legged plank and do a push-up.

bodyweight workoutHigh lunge step one

bodyweight workoutLow lunge step two

bodyweight workoutThree-legged dog step three

bodyweight workoutPush-up step four

Windmill squat: Start with your feet together, then jump your feet a little wider than hip-width distance, touching one hand down to the ground. Jump back together and switch sides.

bodyweight workoutWindmill squats: Start with feet together

bodyweight workoutWindmill squat step two

bodyweight workoutWindmill squat step three

bodyweight workoutWindmill squat step four

Set Two: 10-minute AMRAP

  • Start with 4 suicide drills full length of tennis court
  • Then use all but the last 60 seconds of the remaining time in the set to alternate between 5 burpees with lateral tuck jumps and 20 Triceps dips. Aim for 5 sets.
  • Last 60 seconds of AMRAP: side crunches 30 seconds each side

Burpees with lateral tuck jump:

Burpee step one: Jump up 


Burpee step two: plant hands to jump back

Burpee step three: chest to floor

Burpee step four: Press up and jump feet back to hands

Lateral tuck jump step one: Jump off two feet to tuck in the air, moving to your right

Lateral tuck jump step two: Full tuck

Burpee round two: Land back in your full burpee from first lateral tuck jump, complete burpee

Lateral tuck jump round two: Perform same lateral tuck jump movement to the left

Lateral tuck jump round two: Full tuck

Triceps dips:

bodyweight workout
Triceps dips step one

bodyweight workout
Triceps dips step two

Side crunches:

bodyweight workout Side crunches

Set Three: 9-minute AMRAP

  • 2 suicide drills full length of tennis court
  • Then use all but the last 60 seconds of the remaining time in the set to alternate between 10 up & over lunges and 10 high/low planks. Aim for 5 sets.
  • Last 60 seconds of AMRAP: Jackknife crunches

Up and over lunges:

bodyweight workout Up & over lunge step one

bodyweight workoutUp & over lunge step two

High to low planks:

asweatlife_workout_highplankbeachHigh low plank step one

bodyweight workout High low plank step two
asweatlife_workout_lowplankbeachHigh low plank step three

Set Four: 5-minute EMOM

Every minute on the minute, for 5 straight minutes, do:

  • 10 in and out abs
  • 10 high to low planks
  • 10 high knees (One rep will bring both knees up)

In & out abs step one (high boat pose)

asweatlife_workout_lowboatIn & out abs step two (low boat pose)

High low plank step one

bodyweight workout
High low plank step two

High low plank step three

High low plank step four (returning to full high plank after this step) 

High knees step one

asweatlife_workout_highknees2 High knees step two  

Test yourself. Record the number of reps you complete and repeat this workout as you get stronger. Or plug and play the formula of this workout to create your own 45 minute killer solo workout!


Move Workouts

About Maggie Umberger

Maggie moved to Chicago from North Carolina in 2014 with a degree in Journalism and Spanish, a 200-hour yoga certification, a group fitness cert and a passion to teach and to sweat. It wasn't until she found aSweatLife that she really started to feel at home. Here, she's incorporated her passion for health and wellness into her career as she helps to build the network of Ambassadors, trainers and fitness enthusiasts that exist within the aSweatLife ecosystem. You can also find her coaching at CrossTown Fitness and teaching yoga classes at Bare Feet Power Yoga, Yoga Six and exhale.